Thomas Kratky
Agency in Progress

Thomas Kratky has 20 years of experience in brand campaigns and is the owner of the brand agency “agency in progress”, which he founded in 2007.


He talks about his brand agency and explains what it stands for: „agency in progress … This is probably the biggest revolution in communication since the invention of printing. Everything will change. Nothing will stay the same. We believe, only an agency in progress will be able to meet all these changes. Welcome to the most thrilling era of communication.”

Moreover, he explains his perspective on current and future ways of communicating with target customers, what „global brand/local touch“ means to him and why this is important to understand.

He also gives advice on brands that want to expand to the Austrian market. On how to build a brand and to sustain competitive.

Thomas also shares successful and challenging brand stories and what learnings he took away from them.
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