“I didn’t learn to be quiet when I had an opinion. The reason they knew who I was is because I told them.“💫 – Ursula Burn, CEO XEROX

To speak up in a board room takes courage, especially as a woman. Being courageous demands believing in and trusting yourself. When you believe in you, everyone else believes in you. 

For many of us it is a long way to get there. 

I remember sometimes I even missed the chance to contribute with my thoughts. When I had all my ideas and thoughts ready and was courageous enough to voice them it was too late. The conversation has already moved on to the next topic on the agenda. 

Some of us had to be quiet when they had an opinion. That’s how they were raised. As was I. Coming from a different social background where I did not qualify for having an opinion I’ve learned early on that others know better. 

It took me most of my life to understand that what I have to say is of equal value and that I have to own it.

How to we get there to own our voice at the table, to be confident and claim our power? 

With self promotion. According to Cindy Wahler, the way to do it is with humble confidence. 

For this you need to take risk. When you do that you surround yourself with an entrepreneurial mindset. That does not mean you have to start your own company but it does mean you are challenging yourself every day. You’re not accepting the status quo, you’re getting out of your comfort zone into the uncomfortable. In this unknown space where you are totally in discomfort you can learn and grow. This process will make you stronger and more powerful. It is an indispensable part of the journey to become a successful and thoughtful leader.

This is especially critical for women in the male dominated industry, respectively, in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics), where women are still the minority.

According to BigRentz (2021) Women in STEM Statistics to Inspire Future Leaders ONLY

  • 29% of the STEM labor force are women
  • 19% of STEM company board members are women
  • 3% are women CEOs.

That needs to change. In that vein I want to quote Audree Grubesic, Founder & CEO of Modular Sure Site, an Off-Site construction consulting company:

“STEM industry: Amazing women that need to move forward and empower themselves with their brilliant minds of science and math and technology. Get it out there girls.”💫

If you feel like you’re the best kept secret and you want to get unshakeably self-confident, own your voice at the table, and unleash your superpower by discovering and identifying your authentic self, ultimately, designing the best version of yourself, check out my Exclusive 1-ON-1 Coaching especially designed for YOU!




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