Lauren Ashley


✨”Transition: Any change, or evolution that one is experiencing in their personal journey.”💫

Are you longing for genuine connections and empowerment in your journey through life’s transitions?

In a world often filled with hustle and bustle, we sometimes find ourselves craving something deeper, something more meaningful. We yearn for authentic connections and a sense of empowerment as we navigate the twists and turns of life. But how do we cultivate these connections? How do we find the support we need to thrive amidst change and transition?

I had the pleasure of interviewing Lauren Ashley, founder of Catalyst. Together, we explore the art of community building and the power of meaningful connections, especially for women navigating life’s transitions. Strap in for an insightful conversation filled with heart, inspiration, and practical strategies for building bridges and shaping futures.

Discovering a Passion for Community Building During the Pandemic

Amidst the challenges of the pandemic, Lauren Ashley found herself drawn to the power of community like never before. It was during this time of isolation and uncertainty that she discovered her passion for creating spaces where meaningful connections could thrive. As the world grappled with the effects of social distancing, Lauren saw an opportunity to bridge the gap and bring people together in new and innovative ways.

The Power of Intimate, Supportive Communities for Women

Lauren emphasizes the profound impact of intimate, supportive communities, especially for women navigating life’s transitions. These spaces provide a safe haven where women can share their experiences, find solidarity, and receive the support they need to thrive. Through Catalyst, Lauren is creating a sisterhood of empowerment, where women lift each other and journey together towards their goals.

Why Focus on Women? Unpacking the Niche

Delving into the rationale behind Catalyst’s focus on women, Lauren unpacks the unique needs and challenges faced by this demographic. From career transitions to personal growth journeys, women often encounter obstacles that require a tailored approach and supportive community. By honing in on this niche, Catalyst can provide targeted resources and programming that resonate deeply with its members.

Disrupting Traditional Community Spaces

Traditional community spaces can often feel exclusive or inaccessible, leaving many individuals feeling isolated and disconnected. Lauren discusses how Catalyst disrupts these norms by creating inclusive, welcoming environments where everyone feels seen and valued. Through innovative programming and a commitment to diversity and inclusion, Catalyst is redefining what it means to belong.

The Ultimate Goal: Empowering Women Beyond the Group

Lauren’s ultimate goal extends far beyond the group itself. She envisions a world where women everywhere feel empowered to pursue their passions, chase their dreams, and make a meaningful impact. Through Catalyst, Lauren is sowing the seeds of empowerment that will ripple outwards and touch countless lives.

✨”Confidence: The willingness to be courageous and keep showing up even when you’re afraid.”💫

Catalyst: The Story Behind the Brand Name

Every brand has a story, and Catalyst is no exception. Lauren shares the inspiration behind the brand name, explaining how it embodies the transformative power of meaningful connections. Just as a catalyst accelerates change, Catalyst serves as a ‘catalyst’ for personal growth, empowerment, and positive change in the lives of its members.

Key Elements of a Community-Driven Brand

What does it take to build a successful community-driven brand?

Lauren breaks down the key elements, from authenticity and inclusivity to a clear sense of purpose and mission. By staying true to these principles, Catalyst has cultivated a loyal following and made a lasting impact on the lives of its members.

Growing the Community: Strategies and Challenges

Growing a community is no easy feat, and Lauren discusses the strategies and challenges involved in expanding Catalyst’s reach. From leveraging social media to hosting engaging events and workshops, she shares insights into what has worked well and the obstacles they’ve had to overcome along the way.

The Importance of Personal Branding in Community Building

Personal branding plays a crucial role in community building, as it helps individuals stand out and attract like-minded individuals. Lauren discusses the importance of authenticity, consistency, and storytelling in crafting a compelling personal brand that resonates with others. By sharing her own journey and values, she has been able to connect with her audience on a deeper level and inspire them to join the Catalyst community.

✨”Brand: Powerful vessel to create change in the world.”💫

Advice for Joining or Creating Meaningful Communities

For those looking to join or create meaningful communities of their own, Lauren offers valuable advice and guidance. She emphasizes the importance of finding spaces where you feel seen, heard, and valued, and encourages individuals to seek out communities that align with their values and interests. Whether joining an existing group or starting one from scratch, the key is to foster genuine connections and create a supportive environment where everyone can thrive.

Balancing Professionalism and Vulnerability

Balancing professionalism and vulnerability can be a delicate dance, especially in the realm of community building. Lauren shares her insights on how to strike this balance, emphasizing the importance of authenticity and transparency. By being open about her own struggles and vulnerabilities, she has been able to create deeper connections with her community while maintaining a sense of professionalism and credibility.

Integrating Coaching Principles into Community Building

As a certified professional coach, Lauren brings a unique perspective to community building, integrating coaching principles into her work at Catalyst. She discusses how coaching techniques such as active listening, empathy, and goal-setting can enhance the community experience and empower individuals to achieve their full potential. By incorporating these principles into Catalyst’s programming, Lauren is helping members navigate life’s transitions with clarity, confidence, and purpose.

Reflecting on the Journey of Building a Community Business

As we reflect on the journey of building Catalyst, Lauren shares her thoughts on the challenges, triumphs, and lessons learned along the way. From humble beginnings to a thriving community of empowered women, the path has been filled with twists and turns, highs and lows. Through it all, Lauren remains steadfast in her commitment to creating a space where women can connect, grow, and flourish.

✨”Entrepreneurship: Following a passion. To do something that has meaning.”💫

Nurturing Connections, Shaping Futures

It’s clear that building meaningful connections is not just a personal endeavor; it’s a catalyst for positive change and growth. By nurturing authentic relationships and fostering a sense of community, we not only enrich our own lives but also create ripple effects of empowerment and inspiration.

So, whether you’re navigating a major life transition or simply seeking deeper connections, remember that you’re not alone. Seek out communities like Catalyst, where hearts connect, futures are shaped, and dreams are realized.

Ready to dive deeper into the world of community building and empowerment?

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Lauren is a connector, disruptor, and certified professional coach. Above all, she is a multi-passionate obsessed with supporting women in life transition, leadership and success. Never following a straight path, Lauren has learned to harness the power of being a heart-centered, growth-minded multi-passionate and wants to empower and inspire more women to do the same.

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Time Markers:

02:10 Discovering a Passion for Community Building During the Pandemic
03:27 The Power of Intimate, Supportive Communities for Women
04:32 Why Focus on Women? Unpacking the Niche
07:41 Disrupting Traditional Community Spaces
10:26 The Ultimate Goal: Empowering Women Beyond the Group
12:27 Catalyst: The Story Behind the Brand Name
14:34 Key Elements of a Community-Driven Brand
16:42 Growing the Community: Strategies and Challenges
19:20 The Importance of Personal Branding in Community Building
20:54 Advice for Joining or Creating Meaningful Communities
25:56 Balancing Professionalism and Vulnerability
30:06 Integrating Coaching Principles into Community Building
33:41 Reflecting on the Journey of Building a Community Business